Ever wanted to be a PTA Officer?

It's easy! Join the PTA, by March 29, 2021 in order to be eligible to run for office. Learn about the officer positions.

President: Presides over all meetings, prepare a list of all members, work with the Treasurer to sign all checks, prepare the Annual Report, Attend Council and District PTA meetings, work closely with Mr. Mosgrove on all PTA events.

Treasurer: Keep books of accounts and receipts, collect and submit membership dues and donations, prepare monthly Treasurer's Reports, prepare tax forms annually, chair of the Budget Committee, prepare Budget for adoption, Complete Mid Year and Annual Financial Reports. 

Secretary: Keep accurate record of all meetings, prepare the minutes after each meeting, keep a current list of all members.

Historian: Record all activities, achievements, and volunteer hours of the association, assist President with Annual Report, post events on Social Media, edit and maintain PTA website and other Social Media sites, upload videos to You Tube channel.

Parliamentarian: Appointed by the President, attend all meetings and give advice on parliamentary procedure, chair of the nominating committee, chair of the bylaws committee, review bylaws, and ensure association is following Bylaws.


If you are interested, please complete the attached form or email us at PVpenguinsPTA@gmail.com